movement meditation
February 14, 2020
Learning to dance again.
I reach along the sky and the earth in all directions.
My body wants to embrace all the dimensions.

My body wants to be strong and flexible in every part.
I stand free and supple in the open air.
I flex and bend and release, shifting my point of balance.
I open to nourish and be nourished by the entire world.
My heart expands. My vision widens.
A wave of relaxation sweeps over me, releasing tension I didn’t know I held.
I sink deeper.
I feel how my body no longer trusts my legs.
I say a fervent prayer and sink deeper, willing myself to be aware of what’s going on with my legs.
I move, in dialogue with my body, joints and bones and muscles and nerves.
Where are the strengths and weaknesses? How are things flowing through the system? How’s my stability and balance? Where is my body expressing emotions, and what are they saying to me?