May 4, 2019
sometimes the answer to that of god in someone is NO not yet take a deep breath how do you see that as working? hold your horses have you talked it over with carol? i share your concern and i Read more…
A Whole New Way to Knit
May 4, 2019
sometimes the answer to that of god in someone is NO not yet take a deep breath how do you see that as working? hold your horses have you talked it over with carol? i share your concern and i Read more…
March 18, 2019
you can hold a dream tightly expand it with your soul invest yourself in it completely and it can still die trickling through your fingers like sand or in one decisive avalanche it’s gone you land on your bottom in Read more…
February 7, 2019
gray skies the old knife makes short work of the potatoes
January 18, 2019
the christmas bustle chugs right on through new year’s and epiphany (my birthday), a long wild sled ride through the darkest days of the year all the things we didn’t quite finish — puzzles, games, presents, baking, candy-making, crafts — Read more…
November 5, 2018
i want you to have what you need i just don’t want you to need what i don’t want to give
September 18, 2018
in busy times ideas fly by too fast to capture in slow times nothing happens worth making a song about somehow in the midst of it all inspiration and science work together to build a bridge of words across the Read more…
July 11, 2018
used to be when the waters of love lapped around my ankles the tide tugged insistently i found myself in the salty deep cold water over my head swimming free in exultation no matter that I soon landed back on Read more…
July 5, 2018
i take my tea and snacks to the front steps so i can watch the butterflies bloom orange and black they rush around the lower air tumbling over one another desperate to mate before they die brushfoots american ladies bursts Read more…
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