
A Whole New Way to Knit

driveway intervals

I’m working to incorporate caring for my body into household chores. Physical therapy gave me insight: all of the exercises are motions I perform in daily life. I recognized the exercises in various household activities, then noticed other sequences of Read more…

whether projects

Tracking things, making things, and learning things are three of my favorite things to do. We got a new weather station (available on Weather Underground) in December. Unlike our former weather station, all of the sensors in this station are Read more…

squirrels of light and darkness

We’ve lived in this house for 32 years. When we first moved in, all of the local squirrels were California gray squirrels. Eastern fox squirrels were muscling in to many California habitats, but they hadn’t arrived here yet. Fox squirrels Read more…


in busy times ideas fly by too fast to capture in slow times nothing happens worth making a song about somehow in the midst of it all inspiration and science work together to build a bridge of words across the Read more…

As the Trees Speak

Once upon a time, there was a Pagan poetess who lived in a small cottage in the woods. She wore a long gown of motley-dyed cloth, crystal earrings, and feathers in her hair. On festival days, she danced through the Read more…

chewing cherries again

Summer is a good time for cherries and drupes in general, so I get lots of insights into the chewing and eating of cherries. It feels weird to chew cherries with my teeth. My ordinary method is to bite the Read more…


All my life, I’ve heard other people say “But it will make it harder to clean.” The argument never swayed me. If someone was worth having or doing, the fact that it made things harder to clean was unfortunate, but Read more…

chewing on it

As I was eating a bowl of cherries one morning last week, I wondered how much we really need to chew our food. When I was a child, there were characters in books who said that we should chew each Read more…

they were always here

We’ve lived in this place in the forest for 32 years. We never saw a Wilson’s warbler long enough to identify it until last year when we found a stunned female Wilson’s warbler in the road. I held her until Read more…

love in the age of reason

used to be when the waters of love lapped around my ankles the tide tugged insistently i found myself in the salty deep cold water over my head swimming free in exultation no matter that I soon landed back on Read more…