
A Whole New Way to Knit


Tag: poetry

public safety power shutoff

red flag warningi write a large checkto the generator repairman crispy vegetationi put a large jug of salt waterin the freezer winds from the diablosi carefully cleanthe hurricane lamps shutdown noticesthe texts and the emailsarrive at the same time hazy Read more…

keeping on

all those years ago our eyes and our hearts met over the chasm the chasm of years life experience and perspective we yoked ourselves together with joy and purpose and set out to have a life together  we hit a Read more…

dog days of summer

sirens wail the young man channels his grief into his gun bright chatter i wonder what goes on behind that mask i-the-observer one fork on a highway of my soul black outfit he fades into the shadows of his role Read more…

another dynamic system

sometimes i thinktruth is solid in my handstrong enough to build wallsbright enough to light the world then it turns to liquid twists and slides in my hand and becomes another thing entirely i bow my headin recognitionand acceptance